Based on the computer program of the older edition, the following computer program seeks to solve Problem S11 on page 3328 of Amaral [3].
2 DIM B(99),N(99),A(2002),H(99),L(99),U(99),X(2002),D(111),P(111),PS(33),J44(2002),J(99),AA(99),HR(32),HHR(32),C(22),CC(22),Y(22),A
3 DIM HS(49,49)
4 DIM PE(49,49)
5 DIM SD(49,49)
27 HR(1)=3:HR(2)=9:HR(3)=3:HR(4)=7:HR(5)=3
28 HR(6)=7:HR(7)=5:HR(8)=9:HR(9)=6:HR(10)=5 :HR(11)=10
31 FOR IL=1 TO 11
32 FOR JL=1 TO 11
61 DATA 999,20,2,8,0,9,5,7,0,20,3
62 DATA 20,999,8,9,13,17,16,1,8,6,7
63 DATA 2,8,999,18,0,10,4,18,5,8,0
64 DATA 8,9,18,999,6,16,10,4,2,14,6
66 DATA 0,13,0,6,999,6,0,11,0,8,2
67 DATA 9,17,10,16,6,999,6,13,2,7,18
68 DATA 5,16,4,10,0,6,999,1,11,15,7
69 DATA 7,1,18,4,11,13,1,999,1,7,2
70 DATA 0,8,5,2,0,2,11,1,999,12,0
71 DATA 20,6,8,14,8,7,15,7,12,999,3
72 DATA 3,7,0,6,2,18,7,2,0,3,999
78 FOR JJJJ=-32000 TO 32000
80 M=-1D+37
81 FOR J44=1 TO 11
83 A(J44)=J44
84 NEXT J44
126 REM IMAR=10+FIX(RND*1000)
128 FOR I=1 TO 500
129 FOR KKQQ=1 TO 11
133 III=1+FIX(RND*11)
134 JJJ=1+FIX(RND*11)
221 X(III)=A(JJJ)
223 X(JJJ)=A(III)
231 FOR J44=1 TO 11
232 IF X(J44)=1 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 234
233 Y(1)=J44
234 IF X(J44)=2 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 244
237 Y(2)=J44
244 IF X(J44)=3 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 254
247 Y(3)=J44
254 IF X(J44)=4 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 257
255 Y(4)=J44
257 IF X(J44)=5 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 259
258 Y(5)=J44
259 IF X(J44)=6 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 277
260 Y(6)=J44
277 IF X(J44)=7 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 279
278 Y(7)=J44
279 IF X(J44)=8 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 285
280 Y(8)=J44
285 IF X(J44)=9 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 289
287 Y(9)=J44
289 IF X(J44)=10 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 296
293 Y(10)=J44
296 IF X(J44)=11 THEN HHR(J44)=HR(J44) ELSE GOTO 307
298 Y(11)=J44
307 C(1)=.5*HHR(Y(1))+HHR(Y(2))+HHR(Y(3))+HHR(Y(4))+HHR(Y(5))+HHR(Y(6))
311 C(2)=.5*HHR(Y(2))+HHR(Y(3))+HHR(Y(4))+HHR(Y(5))+HHR(Y(6))
314 C(3)=.5*HHR(Y(3))+HHR(Y(4))+HHR(Y(5))+HHR(Y(6))
318 C(4)=.5*HHR(Y(4))+HHR(Y(5))+HHR(Y(6))
323 C(5)=.5*HHR(Y(5))+HHR(Y(6))
327 C(6)=.5*HHR(Y(6))
341 C(7 )=.5*HHR(Y(7))+HHR(Y(8))+HHR(Y(9))+HHR(Y(10))+HHR(Y(11))
345 C(8)=.5*HHR(Y(8))+HHR(Y(9))+HHR(Y(10))+HHR(Y(11))
349 C(9)=.5*HHR(Y(9))+HHR(Y(10))+HHR(Y(11))
353 C(10)=.5*HHR(Y(10))+HHR(Y(11))
355 C(11)=.5*HHR(Y(11))
356 NEXT J44
359 PROD=0
361 FOR J44=1 TO 11
368 FOR J45=J44+1 TO 11
371 PROD=PROD -HS(Y(J44),Y(J45))*ABS( C(J44)-C(J45) )
381 NEXT J45
388 NEXT J44
422 P=PROD
1111 IF P<=M THEN 1670
1452 M=P
1453 FOR KLX=1 TO 11
1454 CC(KLX)=C(KLX)
1455 A(KLX)=X(KLX)
1557 GOTO 128
1670 NEXT I
1889 IF M<-3444 THEN 1999
1901 PRINT A(1),A(2),A(3),A(4),A(5)
1902 PRINT A(6),A(7),A(8),A(9),A(10),A(11)
1903 PRINT CC(1),CC(2),CC(3),CC(4),CC(5)
1904 PRINT CC(6),CC(7),CC(8),CC(9),CC(10),CC(11)
This BASIC computer program was run with Microsoft's GW BASIC 3.11 interpreter. The complete output through JJJJ=-31954 is shown below. What follows is a hand copy from the computer-monitor screen; immediately below there is no rounding by hand.
8 7 4 9 10
5 2 6 1 3
32 26.5 21.5 17.5 12.5
4.5 27.5 21.5 16.5 11.5
-3439.5 -31990
8 7 4 9 10
5 2 6 1 3
32 26.5 21.5 17.5 12.5
4.5 27.5 21.5 16.5 11.5
-3439.5 -31954
On a personal computer with a Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5200 @2.50GHz, 2.50 GHz, 960 MB of RAM, and the IBM basica/D interpreter, version GW BASIC 3.11, the wall-clock time through JJJJ= -31954 was 21 seconds.
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