The computer program listed below seeks to solve the transform design model on page 258 of Papalambros and Wilde [17]. Unlike the preceding paper, here X(5) and X(6) are continuous; these represent flux density and current density, respectively; see Papalambros and Wilde [17, p. 258]. Line 235 through line 331 roughly describe the problem; for details, see Papalambros and Wilde [17].
(-2.07+.001*X(1)*X(2)*X(3)*X(4)*X(5)*X(6)) of line 235 triggers the domino process. Line 235 and line 236 show a column of two dominoes, X(7) and X(8), which are slack variables defined in line 235 and line 236, respectively.
2 DIM B(99),N(99),A(2002),H(99),L(99),U(99),X(2002),D(111),P(111),PS(33),J(99),AA(99),HR(32),HHR(32),LHS(44),PLHS(44),LB(22),UB(22),PX(44),J44(44)
4 REM DIM PE(35,35)
5 REM DIM SD(35,35)
75 FOR J44=1 TO 6
76 LB(J44)=0
77 NEXT J44
78 FOR J44=1 TO 6
79 UB(J44)=20
80 NEXT J44
88 FOR JJJJ=-32000 TO 32000
90 M=-3E+30
100 FOR J44=1 TO 6
101 A(J44)=FIX(RND*21)
102 NEXT J44
126 IMAR=10+FIX(RND*1000)
129 FOR KKQQ=1 TO 6
159 FOR IPP=1 TO FIX(1+RND*3)
160 B=1+FIX(RND*6)
162 IF B>4 THEN 166 ELSE 163
163 IF RND<.5 THEN X(B)=A(B)-FIX(1+RND*3) ELSE X(B)=A(B)+FIX(1+RND*3)
164 GOTO 235
166 R=(1-RND*2)*A(B)
167 IF RND<.25 THEN X(B)=CINT(A(B))-FIX(1+RND*3) ELSE IF RND<.33 THEN X(B)=CINT(A(B))+FIX(1+RND*3) ELSE X(B)=A(B)+(RND^(RND*10) )*R
235 X(7)=-2.07+.001*X(1)*X(2)*X(3)*X(4)*X(5)*X(6)
236 X(8)=-.00062*X(1)*X(4)*X(5)^2 *( X(1)+X(2)+X(3) ) -.00058*X(2)*X(3) *X(6)^2 *(X(1)+1.57*X(2)+X(4) ) +1.2
281 FOR J78=1 TO 6
282 IF X(J78)<LB(J78) THEN 1670
283 NEXT J78
292 FOR J79=1 TO 6
293 IF X(J79)>UB(J79) THEN 1670
294 NEXT J79
303 FOR J44=7 TO 8
305 IF X(J44) <0 THEN PX(J44)=999999999#*(X(J44)) ELSE PX(J44)=0
307 NEXT J44
320 PXT=0
321 FOR J44=7 TO 8
322 PXT=PXT+PX(J44)
323 NEXT J44
331 PD1=-.0204*X(1)*X(4)*(X(1)+X(2)+X(3) ) -.0187*X(2)*X(3)*(X(1)+1.57*X(2)+X(4) ) -.0607*X(1)*X(4)*X(5)^2 *(X(1)+X(2)+X(3) ) -.0437*X(2)*X(3)*X(6)^2 *(X(1)+1.57*X(2)+X(4) ) +PXT
335 PDU=+PD1
466 P=PDU
1111 IF P<=M THEN 1670
1452 M=P
1454 FOR KLX=1 TO 8
1455 A(KLX)=X(KLX)
1557 GOTO 128
1670 NEXT I
1889 IF M<-131.08 THEN 1999
1904 PRINT A(1),A(2),A(3)
1987 PRINT A(4),A(5),A(6),A(7)
1988 PRINT A(8),M,JJJJ
This BASIC computer program was run via basica/D of Microsoft's GW-BASIC 3.11 interpreter for DOS. The complete output through JJJJ=-5914 is shown below. What follows is a hand copy from the computer-monitor screen; immediately below there is no rounding by hand.
5 4 9
10 .9498243 1.210755 8.583069E-06
4.524076E-02 -131.0469 -18736
5 4 9
10 .9568129 1.201907 4.768372E-07
.0472908 -131.0602 -5914
On a personal computer with a Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5200 @2.50GHz, 2.50 GHz, 960 MB of RAM, and the IBM basica/D interpreter, version GW BASIC 3.11, the wall-clock time from JJJJ=-32000 through JJJJ=-5914 was fifty minutes.
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