The following computer program seeks to solve the nonlinear system on page 206 of Kearfott [13]. The problem is to solve simultaneously
-1.697E+07*X(2)*X(4) +2.177E+07*X(2) +.55*X(1)*X(4) +.45*X(1) -1!*X(4) =0
1.585E+14*X(2) * X(4)+4.126E+07*X(1)*X(3) -8285000!*X(1)*X(4) +2.284E+07*X(3)*X(4) -1.918E+07*X(3) +48.4*X(4) -27.73 =0
X(1)^2 -X(2) =0
X(4)^2 -X(3) =0
In the following computer program, the right-hand side of the equation in line 175, which is 175 X(2)=X(1)^2, triggers the domino process, and there are four dominos, X(2), X(4), X(3), and X(5) of line 175, line 181, line 187, and line 190, respectively. In the present case, when X(2) is down/optimized, X(4) is down/optimized, X(3) is down/optimized, and X(5) is down/optimized. Generally speaking, when a domino is pushed, the following dominos are more or less pushed.
One notes that X(5) is an additional variable defined in line 190.
While line 126 of the preceding paper is 126 IMAR=10+FIX(RND*5000), line 126 here is
126 IMAR=10+FIX(RND*1000).
2 DIM B(99),N(99),A(2002),H(99),L(99),U(99),X(2002),D(111),P(111),PS(33),J(99),AA(99),HR(32),HHR(32),LHS(44),PLHS(44),LB(22),UB(22),PX(44),J44(44)
4 REM DIM PE(35,35)
5 REM DIM SD(35,35)
65 FOR J44=1 TO 4
66 LB(J44)=0
67 NEXT J44
78 FOR J44=1 TO 4
79 UB(J44)=1
80 NEXT J44
88 FOR JJJJ=-32000 TO 32000
90 M=-3E+30
100 FOR J44=1 TO 4
101 A(J44)=RND
102 NEXT J44
126 IMAR=10+FIX(RND*1000)
129 FOR KKQQ=1 TO 4
159 FOR IPP=1 TO FIX(1+RND*3)
160 B=1+FIX(RND*4)
161 GOTO 166
162 IF B>4 THEN 166 ELSE 163
163 IF RND<.5 THEN X(B)=A(B)-FIX(1+RND*3) ELSE X(B)=A(B)+FIX(1+RND*3)
164 GOTO 231
166 IF RND<.9 THEN R=(1-RND*2)*A(B) ELSE IF RND<.5 THEN R=(1-RND*2)*(A(B) -.1) ELSE R=(1-RND*2)*(A(B) +.1)
175 X(2)=X(1)^2
181 X(4)=( -2.177E+07*X(2)-.45*X(1) )/ (-1.697E+07*X(2) +.55*X(1) -1! )
187 X(3)= X(4)^2
190 X(5)=+1.585E+14*X(2)*X(4) +4.126E+07*X(1)*X(3) -8285000!*X(1)*X(4) +2.284E+07*X(3)*X(4) -1.918E+07*X(3) +48.4*X(4) -27.73
281 FOR J78=1 TO 4
282 IF X(J78)<LB(J78) THEN 1670
283 NEXT J78
292 FOR J79=1 TO 4
293 IF X(J79)>UB(J79) THEN 1670
294 NEXT J79
303 FOR J44=5 TO 5
305 IF ABS(X(J44))>0 THEN PX(J44)=-999999999#*ABS(X(J44)) ELSE PX(J44)=0
307 NEXT J44
320 PXT=0
321 FOR J44=5 TO 5
322 PXT=PXT+PX(J44)
323 NEXT J44
331 PD1= +PXT
335 PDU=+PD1
466 P=PDU
1111 IF P<=M THEN 1670
1452 M=P
1454 FOR KLX=1 TO 5
1455 A(KLX)=X(KLX)
1557 GOTO 128
1670 NEXT I
1889 IF M<-1000 THEN 1999
1904 PRINT A(1),A(2),A(3)
1907 PRINT A(4),A(5),M,JJJJ
This BASIC computer program was run via basica/D of Microsoft's GW-BASIC 3.11 interpreter for DOS. The complete output through JJJJ=-17288 is shown below. What follows is a hand copy from the computer-monitor screen; immediately below there is no rounding by hand.
1.587988022244009D-04 2.521705958790438D-08 .1478617923490562
.3845280124373986 2.637155782636569D-08 -26.37155779999413
1.587988022243708D-04 2.521705958789483D-08 .1478617923489777
.3845280124372966 -4.927292982515041D-07 -492.7292977587748
1.58798802224417D-04 2.521705958790951D-08 .1478617923490983
.3845280124374534 3.051889043703682D-07 -305.1889040651793
1.587988022243992D-04 2.521705958790386D-08 .1478617923490519
.3845280124373931 -1.568385421535368D-09 -1.568385419966982
On a personal computer with a Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5200 @2.50GHz, 2.50 GHz, 960 MB of RAM, and the IBM basica/D interpreter, version GW BASIC 3.11, the wall-clock time from JJJJ=-32000 through JJJJ=-17288 was fifteen minutes.
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