Jsun Yui Wong
The following computer program seeks to find an integer solution to the Freundenstein and Roth system on page 11 of Cao [2, page 11, Problem 14, extended Freundenstein and Roth function (n is even)]--http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/251587. See also La Cruz et al. [5, page 28, Test function 37]–http://www.ime.unicamp.br/~martinez/lmrreport.pdf. The present paper considers the case of 32760 equations with 32760 general integer variables. One notes the starting vectors, 94 A(KK) = 4 + FIX(RND * 2.9); one also notes lines 426 and line 428, which are 426 IF X(J44) < 3 THEN X(J44) = 3 and 428 IF X(J44) > 7 THEN X(J44) = 7, respectively.
4 DIM X(32768), A(32768), P(32768), K(32768), Q(2222)
5 FOR JJJJ = -32000 TO -32000
16 M = -1D+200
91 FOR KK = 1 TO 32760
94 A(KK) = 4 + FIX(RND * 2.9)
128 FOR I = 1 TO 960000 STEP 1
129 FOR K = 1 TO 32760
131 X(K) = A(K)
132 NEXT K
155 FOR IPP = 1 TO FIX(1 + RND * 3)
181 B = 1 + FIX(RND * 32763)
183 REM R = (1 - RND * 2) * A(B)
187 REM IF RND < .25 THEN X(B) = A(B) + RND * R ELSE IF RND < .333 THEN X(B) = A(B) + RND ^ 4 * R ELSE IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = A(B) + RND ^ 7 * R ELSE IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = FIX(A(B)) ELSE X(B) = FIX(A(B)) + 1
188 IF RND < .5 THEN X(B) = ABS(A(B) - 1) ELSE X(B) = A(B) + 1
393 FOR J44 = 1 TO 16380
395 X(2 * J44 - 1) = -((X(2 * J44) + 1) * X(2 * J44) - 14) * X(2 * J44) + 29
397 NEXT J44
422 FOR J44 = 1 TO 32760
426 IF X(J44) < 3 THEN X(J44) = 3
428 IF X(J44) > 7 THEN X(J44) = 7
439 NEXT J44
773 FOR J44 = 1 TO 16380
775 P(2 * J44 - 1) = -ABS(X(2 * J44 - 1) + ((5 - X(2 * J44)) * X(2 * J44) - 2) * X(2 * J44) - 13)
777 NEXT J44
822 Pone = 0
833 FOR J44 = 1 TO 16380
837 Pone = Pone + P(2 * J44 - 1)
855 NEXT J44
998 P = Pone
1451 IF P <= M THEN 1670
1657 FOR KEW = 1 TO 32760
1658 A(KEW) = X(KEW)
1661 M = P
1666 PRINT A(1), A(32760), M, JJJJ
1668 IF M > -.00001 THEN 1912
1670 NEXT I
1912 IF M < -8 THEN 1999
1891 PRINT A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), A(5)
1894 PRINT A(11996), A(11997), A(11998), A(11999), A(12000)
1897 PRINT A(32756), A(32757), A(32758), A(32759), A(32760)
This computer program was run with qb64v1000-win [11]. Copied by hand from the screen, the computer program’s output through JJJJ= -32000 is summarized below.
3 4 -401108 -32000
3 4 -401076 -32000
5 4 -148 -32000
5 4 -134 -32000
5 4 -128 -32000
5 4 -122 -32000
5 4 -116 -32000
5 4 -102 -32000
5 4 -96 -32000
5 4 -90 -32000
5 4 -84 -32000
5 4 -78 -32000
5 4 -72 -32000
5 4 -66 -32000
5 4 -60 -32000
5 4 -54 -32000
5 4 -48 -32000
5 4 -42 -32000
5 4 -36 -32000
5 4 -30 -32000
5 4 -24 -32000
5 4 -18 -32000
5 4 -12 -32000
5 4 -6 -32000
5 4 0 -32000
5 4 5 4 5
4 5 4 5 4
4 5 4 5 4
0 -32000
Above there is no rounding by hand; it is just straight copying by hand from the screen.
Of the 32760 unknowns, only the 15 A’s of line 1891 and line 1897 are shown above.
On a personal computer with a Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5200 @2.50GHz, 2.50 GHz, 960 MB of RAM and with qb64v1000-win [11], the wall-clock time for obtaining the output through JJJJ= -32000 was 40 minutes.
I would like to acknowledge the encouragement of Roberta Clark and Tom Clark.
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